Work with Me

 Imagine you & your cat living a happy and purr-poseful life together ❤️

Just for a moment,

... imagine always understanding what your cat wants, needs and wishes to tell you.

... imagine being fully connected to your spirit guides, your psychic gifts & spiritual powers.

... imagine being fully aware of your true self, your life purpose, and soul mission.


What if I told you,

- that your cat is your secret key

- that your cat is your missing link

- that your cat can help you master your spiritual journey


Here's the truth about cats:

There are no "behavioral problems".

A cat showing weird or alarming behavior is ALWAYS trying to tell you that something is wrong.

Either in the cat's life or in yours!

In most cases, your cat wants to tell you that YOU are not happy, not fulfilled, too stressed out or not living your best life.

So when your cat is acting strange... it is a cry for you to pay attention.

Your cat is so much bigger than you think!

Your cat is a beautiful soul with an important task:

To be your loving companion on your life path, so you can live a happy, fulfilled and purr-poseful life. She is there to ground you, to catch you when you fall, and to nudge and inspire you to be all that you can be.

And in these times of great awakening, your cat's role is becoming even bigger:

Your cat is very much connected to universal wisdom. She knows when you are not aligned with your highest soul path, and she will "push" you with weird or alarming behavior - so that you recognize yourself in her and get back on track.

How do I know this?

As a cat expert and animal communicator, I work with cats on a daily basis. And this is what they unanimously tell me!

That is why I created this program

Taking into account how closely cats and their humans are connected - not only in daily life, but also on a soul level - I will help you finetune your magical connection, so you can both enjoy a happy, harmonious, fulfilled and purr-poseful life together.

"Your Cat is Your Guide" is my signature program:

So you can fully UNDERSTAND YOUR CAT, why she behaves a certain way, how it is connected with your unresolved life topics and ... and what your cat really wants and needs.

So you can STOP STRUGGLING on your spiritual path and embrace your cat's guidance - to help you FIND YOUR PURPOSE and become a happier, fully AWAKENED YOU.


This is what we'll cover:

✔️ Connect deeply with your cat and understand her sometimes odd behavior
✔️ Recognize your cat’s soul mission: to help you find and follow your true calling
✔️ Go through proven practical exercises to align with your purpose and soul path
✔️ Discover your cat’s 7-step guidance system to navigate your spiritual awakening

After this program:

You will see your spiritual awakening as a joint journey, with your cat as your barometer, always showing you when you need aligning or healing.

You will come to recognize your cat as your coach, wayshower, trusted friend, intuitive healer, wisdom teacher, and loving ascension guide.

You'll be able to live a happy, harmonious, fulfilled and purr-poseful life together with your beloved cat companion.

I want to have my cat as my guide

"An amazing experience!"

"I was expecting to learn new ways to develop a stronger bond with my cats. What I was not prepared for was learning how to develop a stronger bond with MYSELF! This course helped me discover parts of myself that were buried and lost. Remembering what my purpose is has helped me connect with my cats on a deeper level. Thank you for an amazing experience!"
- Lora M. -

Your program options

You choose the level you want to take: Start by reading the book, or get the book bundle including a home study class, or go all in by joining the live coaching calls.

This program is for you if:

... You're a spiritual cat lover, intuitive, empath, lightworker, wayshower, starseed, healer, or awakening soul.

... You want to understand your cat's behavior and role in your life, and you wish to communicate with her on a higher level.

... You yearn to connect with your true self and life purpose, and want to fully develop your psychic gifts and spiritual powers.

You know your cat needs this if:

- You can't shake the feeling that your cat is not happy

- Your cat shows any kind of intensified or alarming behavior

- Your cat reflects your own life topics or emotional states back at you

- Your cat shows the same physical symptom or illness as you

"This course was life-changing!"

"This course was an inspiration and in-depth experience with my beautiful cat. She is my muse, teacher, guide, mirror, and protector of my energies. Her entry into my life has heralded a new phase, including my artistic expressions and intuitive offerings. We are both so grateful to Sylvie for her heartfelt teachings and meditations. Journeying to other planets was especially memorable. Our warmest thanks, for the nurturing, calm, peace and joy your deep, yet light teachings continue to bring us."
- Kat Z. -

What it will help you with:

  • Understand your cat's behavior, wants, needs & role with you
  • Get guidance for a your spiritual path & how to navigate into 5D
  • Develop a deeper bond & understanding with your cat companion
  • Heal your emotional burdens, on a body, mind & soul level
  • Connect fully with your true self, life purpose & soul mission
  • Feel a magical connection with your cat as your spiritual guide

How it will change your life:

GET CLEAR: You'll know exactly why you are here in this lifetime, and what your next steps are - so that you can navigate these times of awakening with lightness and ease.

FEEL CONNECTED: You'll be finally in touch to your true self, your higher guidance, your spiritual side, and your cat companion - so that you'll feel lovingly guided on your path.

LIVE ON PURPOSE: You'll become fully aware of your unique life purpose and soul mission - so that you can follow your heart's calling and feel fulfilled and aligned with your highest soul path.

Why should you work with me?

I DO NOT recite from cat textbooks, behavioral studies or scientific research.

As a cat whisperer, I go directly to the source: I talk to our beloved felines.

In thousands of conversations with cats, I learnt what they really want & need.

So everything I teach comes directly FROM THE CATS THEMSELVES!

How & why this program came about

When I first started out as a cat therapist, I went by the common practices you learn in animal psychology: Behavioral training, what the basic cat needs are, what the underlying biological reasons for cat behavior are, etc...

But I soon realized I had to go deeper. I delved into learning energy healing and animal communication, because I understood there was so much more to our house cats that conventional wisdom wants you to believe.

And by talking to the cats, a whole new world opened up to me! I got to understand the magnitude of feline intelligence and inspirational wisdom that cats come into our lives for: to share it with us as our loving teachers.

By working as a Holistic Cat Practitioner, I was blessed to receive many precious insights into the feline soul. All the cats I spoke to pointed me to the missing link: the close soul connection between cat and human.

Many cat lovers just like you asked me for help:

They were very concerned because their cats were acting strange.

Their beloved feline friends were restless or meowing a lot. Or they retreated and showed anxiety. Or they started to become aggressive, or marked spots in the house, or were fighting with their fellow cats.

My clients couldn't figure out what was wrong with their cats... They seemed to have everything they needed: A loving home, lots of attention, and all the toys in the world... But the cats didn't seem happy. Many concerned cat moms came to me and aked me to PLEASE help their furry little companions.

My clients said: "I just want my cat to be happy".

So I went to work and did communication sessions with their feline friends. I asked the cats about their strange behavior and what was wrong, and I told them that their human just wanted them to be happy.

But what the cats told me was amazing: There was nothing wrong in their life, but in their human's life! They showed me their humans were restless, not knowing what they wanted in life or how to make their desires come true. That they were overworked, stressed out, and not content with their jobs or relationships.

The cats said: "I just want MY HUMAN to be happy".

When you think about it, it makes so much sense! You and your cat are a team. You live closely together, and your cat is your best friend and beloved family member. How could your cat ever be happy if you aren't?

Contrary to conventional beliefs, our cats are not just furry little animals that like to eat, sleep and do nothing, and it is a pure myth that they are not as attached to their humans as dogs. Far from the truth! Cats are intelligent and loving beings with a beautiful soul - and they told me they want to play a bigger role in our lives than ever.

The cats showed me what their big mission is:

You and your cat are closely entwined on a soul level.

You have probably known this for a long time - that your cat is in your life for an important reason. Maybe you are not sure how exactly your cat supports you, but you definitely know that she is a beautiful and loving soul. You also know that she did NOT come to you by pure chance, but was deliberately sent by the Universe.

So what is your cat's task with you? It depends on the cat, and a cat's purpose is as individual and unique as yours. But in the grander scheme of things in this very special time we live in, all the cats have a common higher soul mission.

Your cat's main life purpose is to help you with yours!

It is really that simple: Your cat is in your life to help you find your special calling - and follow it through. She is well aware that you are here on Earth with a mission, and that you need to step up and align with your highest soul path.

In these times of spiritual awakening, we are all called upon to find and follow our purpose. Together we will co-create the New Earth, with each one of us adding their special and unique piece of the puzzle to the whole.

Your cat's job is to get or keep you on track with your soul path.

How does she do this? Your cat intrinsically knows when you are not happy with who you are or what you do, and when you are not aligned with your calling. Typically your cat will alert you that something is "off" by any of the following:

- She shows some kind of intensified, relentless, or alarming behavior
- She mirrors your own unresolved life topics or emotional states back at you
- She manifests the same physical symptoms or illness as you have

Why does your cat do this?

Because she wants to let you know where YOU are not in balance and which areas of your life need attention or healing. Your cat will reflect your own behavior, moods or problems back at you, hoping that you will recognize yourself in her and that you'll start looking into the topics she is showing you.

I collected the feline wisdom in a book & program:

Guided by my clients' cats, I started to work with CATS and their HUMANS equally.

I realized that both cats and cat parents needed attention in equal parts, and by working together we could create magical outcomes. In a mix of animal communication, energy healing, and spiritual coaching, I help both parties let go of their unresolved life topics, emotional scars, and childhood programming. Always included is deep healing for body, mind and soul, for cats and humans alike.

I just loved seeing how both my clients and their cats became happier and more fulfilled.

My clients started to wake up to their higher purpose and became clear in their next steps. They stopped struggling with their spiritual awakening and embraced their cat as their barometer and wayshower. They developed a deep understanding for their feline companion, with a much stronger bond and a much happier cat.

While I loved working 1:1 with clients and cats, it soon became clear that I needed to offer this process on a larger scale. Why? Because the cats were pretty unanimous in what they wanted their humans to know, and how they could help them in their spriritual awakening. So I packed all these teachings into a book and group coaching, including the 7-step-guidance system powered by the cats for their humans.

The program "Your Cat is Your Guide" is offered in 3 levels:

I want to make these teachings and feline wisdom accessible to everyone. No matter which option you choose, it is always worth your time. And I can absolutely promise you that your cat will love it that you're seeking her guidance and connecting to her in a whole new way!

BOOK: Ease into your cat's wisdom teachings and go through the cats' 7-step guidance system to help with your spiritual awakening.

HOME STUDY COURSE: Take the next level with an immersive home-study class, that will help you with finding and following your purpose, lovingly guided by your cat companion.

COURSE PLUS LIVE COACHING: Your all-in ticket for a truly transformational experience and lasting results, as you're combining the home study course with live coaching and healing calls, all guided by your cat.

Choose your option

Joining the program can be as easy as reading a book! Even on the entry level, you get a step-by-step guidance system from the cats to get you on track on your spiritual journey. Or take the classes if you want to delve deeper and create profound change in your life & that of your cat.

"This course blew my mind!"

"This course exceeded my expectations! I'm new to the starseed awakening process and felt this is for other people, but not for me. But when I felt myself being greeted by my star family, my heart sang. They welcomed me home and I didn't want to leave, it felt so comfortable and familiar there. I came back exhilarated and in a state of wonderment, deep knowing and remembering. This class opened up a whole new dimension for me and is one of the best decisions I've ever made."
- Jenn D. -

Your magnificent outcome

"Your Cat is Your Guide" is for both you & your cat:

So you can fully UNDERSTAND YOUR CAT, why she behaves a certain way, how it is connected with your unresolved life topics and ... and what your cat really wants and needs.

So you can STOP STRUGGLING on your spiritual path and embrace your cat's guidance - to help you FIND YOUR PURPOSE and become a happier, fully AWAKENED YOU.


This is what we'll cover:

✔️ Connect deeply with your cat and understand her sometimes odd behavior
✔️ Recognize your cat’s soul mission: to help you find and follow your true calling
✔️ Go through proven practical exercises to align with your purpose and soul path
✔️ Discover your cat’s 7-step guidance system to navigate your spiritual awakening

After this program:

You*ll see your spiritual awakening as a joint journey, with your cat as your barometer, always showing you when you need aligning or healing.

You'll come to recognize your cat as your coach, wayshower, trusted friend, intuitive healer, wisdom teacher, and loving ascension guide.

You'll be able to live a happy, harmonious, fulfilled and purr-poseful life together with your beloved cat companion.

I want to have my cat as my guide

What others say

"At first, I just wanted to understand my cats better. But this class is sooooo much more! The group setting, the personal coaching, the direct feedback... Thank you so much for this profound and fulfilling experience, Sylvie!"
- Nadine P. -

Want to experience profound change in your own life?

Join the program:
"Your Cat is Your Guide"

 Let your cat help with your spiritual awakening: 
  • Understand your cat
  • Awaken to your true self
  • Find your purr-pose
Are you in?

❤️ Sylvie

Join a tribe of
spiritual cat lovers

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Get a copy of your FREE e-book:
"The 10 Cat Archetypes - Find out your cat's purpose with you"

Find out how your cat wants to inspire and help you on your spiritual journey!
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 * By subscribing to my newsletter, you get access to fresh and exclusive content around cats and spirituality, as well as invitations to workshops, retreats, webinars & programs which empower you to lead your most purr-poseful life!

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